Charleston county zoning map. Address 200 Baltimore Street La Plata, MD 20646.
Charleston county zoning map Nov 9, 2018 · Charleston County, South Carolina Zoning Districts. 24, Wednesday, Dec. gov. Sec. 3 days ago · View the latest GIS map and zoning code for Charleston County, South Carolina. Once you have the file open, use the zoom tool (resembles a magnifying glass on the top left of the Acrobat tool bar) to view details such street names or other natural boundary identifiers. 3, of Article 9; and related map amendments of the Charleston County Zoning and Land Development Regulations Ordinance (ZLDR) in accordance with the procedures established in State law and the ZLDR, and has recommended that the Charleston County Council adopt the proposed text and map amendments of the ZLDR Oct 23, 2023 · Appendix A - CHARLESTON COUNTY ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; Expand APPENDIX C CODE OF ORDINANCES County of CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA Codified through 5 days ago · Find the zoning of any property in Summerville, South Carolina with this latest zoning map and zoning code. Address 200 Baltimore Street La Plata, MD 20646. Discover Charleston County GIS maps and records, including city maps, property maps, public land surveys, aerial imagery, parcel data, and more. FBZD Applications shall not propose variations from: the Building Code of the County of Charleston, the Charleston County Stormwater Management Ordinance, and the Charleston County 208 Water Quality Management Plan. A Zoning Variance may be authorizes the County of Charleston to enact or amend its zoning and land development regulations to guide development in accordance with existing and future needs and in order to protect, promote and improve the public health, safety, and general welfare; and . 6 (approval criteria, zoning map amendments [rezonings]; article 3. D. Created Date: 3/24/2021 2:28:39 PM North Charleston, SC 29405 Phone 843-202-7200 Fax 843-202-7222 www. Use the left side menu to access the main menu for CharlestonCounty. The links below provide are Adobe Acrobat files with copies of the Charleston County Single-Member District Maps. an ordinance. 6A). 24. 7200 1. 1 A Uses Allowed by Right 2 days ago · Find the zoning of any property in James Island, South Carolina with this latest zoning map and zoning code. Zoning and Planning Department Fee Schedule Adopted October 26, 2021 Service Fee A. 5 x 11 $0. 4 Tree Protection and Preservation of the Charleston County Zoning & Land Development Regulations Ordinance. 800. A. 00 B. Contact Us Phone: 843-202-7200 Email: Charleston County School District, 75 Calhoun Street, Charleston, SC 29401 Contact Us Important Note: Please know that there will be NO advantage provided based upon the order in which applications are received during the School Choice (January) and Student Transfer (March) windows. Zoning & Planning Director 843. 13 sol legare community overlay zoning district (sl-o) article 5. We thank you for your input every voice matters! Planning Commission Recommendation – March 8, 2021 Page 4-2 § 4. 28, with collection delayed one day the remainder of the week. 6 Million Toward Affordable Housing Projects: 11-14-2024: Low Tide Brewing Expands Charleston County Operations: 11-13-2024: Public Meeting: Charleston County Public Works Officials to Deliver Palmetto Commerce Interchange Construction Update PID # (Parcel Identification #) / TMS # (Tax Map #): will be undertaken without the di sturbance, alteration, removal or destruction of any required Grand Tree (24” DBH or greater) as defined in Article 9. Contact Us Phone: 843-202-7200 Email: Members of the public may submit questions or written public comments regarding cases to be heard at Charleston County Historic Preservation Commission meetings via email CCHPC@charlestoncounty. 1 TITLE This Ordinance shall be officially known and cited as the Zoning and Land Development Regulations of Charleston County, South Carolina. 1-10 ˜˚˛˝˙ˆˇ˘ ˘ , ˘ ˛˝ ˙ ˛: Comprehensive Plan Map 3. Directory The Charleston County Zoning and Planning Department responds to community concerns regarding zoning and litter, investigates zoning and litter violations, and ensures community compliance with the following County ordinances: Charleston County Zoning and Land Development Regulations Ordinance (ZLDR), Regulation of Weeds, Rank Vegetation, and Solid Waste, and the Litter Control Ordinance. 4, JO-MHC-O, Johns Island Maybank Highway Corridor Overlay Zoning District; Section 8. 26 are a County Holiday in observance of Christmas and the offices of Charleston County Government will be closed. new districts . org harleston ounty oard of Zoning Appeals ( ZA) 9. FBZD Applications shall comply with all requirements of the Charleston County Zoning and Land Development Charleston County Zoning and Land Development Regulations Ordinance (ZLDR), (adopted July 18, 2006), The Board of Zoning Appeals has the authority to hear and decide appeals for a Zoning Variance when strict application of the provisions of this Ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship (§3. 2016 Charleston County Historic Resources Survey Update; Re-Think Folly Road Study; Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Housing Needs Assessment Summary; Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Housing Needs Assessment; Charleston County Application Forms, Brochures and Checklists; Charleston County Zoning & Planning Department; Charleston County Website Find the zoning of any property in Charleston County. Find interactive and printable maps of city zoning, districts, services and voting areas. charleston-sc. 6. 10AM-12PM. j and Section 8. ARTICLE 1. 5 below. Election Commission website by selecting Charleston County from the drop down menu. How to Use this App: Pursuant to ZLDR Section 3. 11 Conservation Area (Charleston County and City of Folly Beach) Map 5. Streets Power your maps and apps with data, including REST endpoints for ArcGIS. The proposed amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the stated purposes of this Ordinance; Staff Response: The Charleston County Comprehensive Plan recommends the Development of County Significance Municipality Legend FUTURE LAND USE RECOMMENDATIONS GENERAL FEATURES INCORPORATED AREAS MARSH WATER RESOURCES OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES (See overlay zoning district maps for details) URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY FUTURE LAND USE MAP (MARCH 2018) Map and search tool for active permits in the City of Charleston. 1. Adopted November 20, 2001 (Ordinance #1202) as amended. References in this Ordinance to "nonresidential", “office,” "residential", and "agricultural" Zzoning Nov 16, 2024 · Please join Charleston County Zoning and Planning staff to discuss the draft Ten Mile Community Overlay Zoning District, which includes amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning and Land Development Regulations Ordinances, as applicable. Find other city and county zoning info here at ZoningPoint. 10 ZONING MAP ARTICLE 1. Discover, analyze and download data from Charleston County GIS. It may be referred to in this document simply as "this Ordinance. CharlestonCounty. Zoning and Planning Department New Single Family Residential Construction Zoning Permit Checklist If applicable (1) Hard Copy of a Site Plan is required for Private Right of Way Easement and MUST be approved by the Planning Department prior to Public Works approval. CHARLESTON LAND SEARCH. 7200. This application can be accessed from a smartphone, tablet, and desktop computer. Welcome to the Zoning and L Online Interactive Zoning Maps; Property Line Aband, Adjust, Resurvey Application (PDF) Charleston, SC 29401. 20, 2001 as amended) and prepares various studies and plans related to the current and future use of land in Charleston County. Click to see every zoning map and zoning code in Charleston County. Crews will work on Saturday. 13. c; article 5. Desktop App. 11 TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS ARTICLE 1. Directory Jun 17, 2014 · 1 ord. " Effective on: 11/20/2001, as amended May 10, 2023 · Members of Charleston County Council are elected from single-member districts. Phone 301-645-0692. 2 Purpose The purpose of the MHC-O, Maybank Highway Corridor Overlay zoning district, is to create a commercial corridor that is well- Welcome to Engage Charleston County! Charleston County is committed to providing opportunities for public input in a variety of formats to reach difference audiences. 6 Million Toward Affordable Housing Projects: 11-14-2024: Low Tide Brewing Expands Charleston County Operations: 11-13-2024: Public Meeting: Charleston County Public Works Officials to Deliver Palmetto Commerce Interchange Construction Update: 11-07-2024: OhmIQ, Inc. Updated 2023. 4: Future Land Use. If additional information is needed, please submit a FOIA request to foia@charleston-sc. 7200 Letter of Intent Applicant Information First Name: Last Name: Your Address: Home/Cell Phone #: Email Address: Property Information Project Address: Zoning District: Tax Map # / Property Identification #: Please provide a detailed explanation of your proposed use: Apr 10, 2018 · This web page contains documents and information related to the Short Term Rental Task Force and the updates to Charleston's short term rental regulations. 5. We thank you for your input every voice matters! Welcome to Engage Charleston County! Charleston County is committed to providing opportunities for public input in a variety of formats to reach difference audiences. FEMA Flood Maps. " Effective on: 11/20/2001, as amended The Sol Legare Overlay Zoning District implemented Strategy 2. Charleston County Planning Commission meetings are scheduled at 2:00 pm on the second Monday of each month (unless a County holiday conflicts) and held on the second floor of the Lonnie Hamilton, III Public Services Building, 4045 Bridge View Drive, North Charleston, SC 29405. expands Charleston County operations: 11-01-2024: Charleston County Maintains Esteemed AAA Bond Rating, Receives Triple Crown Distinction for Outstanding Financial Management: 10-30-2024 North Charleston, SC 29405 843. 9 South Village Area (City of Charleston, Town of James Island, and Charleston County) Sec. Ten Mile Community Center Tuesday, Dec. Zoning & Planning Documents The Charleston County Planning Commission consists of nine members appointed by County Council. (For more information on zoning regulations for this overlay district see Section 5-1, Zoning Regulations, City of North Charleston) Dorchester Road Corridor II District Enter a map title : Notes : Set print scale : Print < Printable PDF. Public Services Building Zoning/Planning Department 4045 Bridge View Drive North Charleston, SC 29405 Phone 843-202-7200 Fax 843-202-7222 www. 2 PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose and intent of the PF-O is to implement the Charleston County Comprehensive Plan Find the zoning of any property in Charleston, South Carolina with this latest zoning map and zoning code. pgs. Grand tree variances are $250 for one tree, add $50 for each additional tree. For information on how to get a short term rental permit, Short Term Rental Permit Information Page . earthsourceeng. Jul 24, 2018 · Charleston County Zoning & Planning Department Lonnie Hamilton III, Public Services Building 4045 Bridge View Drive North Charleston, SC 29405 Office Hours: Joel H. 11 2. 2 Zoning District References A. ). Buffer distance PID # (Parcel Identification #) / TMS # (Tax Map #): will be undertaken without the di sturbance, alteration, removal or destruction of any required Grand Tree (24” DBH or greater) as defined in Article 9. create consistency between the County of Charleston and the City of Charleston concerning land development regulations. ZREZ-09-24-00154 • Johns Island Area: 3555 Bohicket Road • Parcel I. Charleston County Zoning and Land Development Regulations Ordinance. Two . org a Fax 843-202-7222 County of Charleston ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION Applicant (your information): First Name: Last Name: Your Home Address: City, State, Zip: Phone #: E-mail address: Subject Property Information: Project Parcel ID # (PID)/ Tax Map # (TMS): If you require further information, please contact the Charleston County Zoning and Planning Department at (843)202-7200. expands Charleston County operations: 11 ARTICLE 1. Email PGMadmin@charlescountymd. Charleston County Zoning Map Amendment Request. North Charleston, SC 29405 Phone 843-202-7200 Fax 843-202-7222 www. Find the zoning of any property in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina with this latest zoning map and zoning code. This application can be used to determine what zoning district property lies within. 125 0 Miles Charleston County's Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) program focuses on keeping our stormwater inventory map up to date, identifying priority areas where the likelihood of illicit discharges is higher, conducting field screening, and identifying and eliminating any sources of pollution. Ordinance, Plans & documents in digital form $10. o Tax Map Number (Can be found on Tax Bill or provided by staff) Planning/Zoning 202-7200 OCRM/ Coastal Council 953-0200 Mobile Homes 958-4151 or 958-4142 www Enter a map title : Notes : Set print scale : Print < Printable PDF. a; map 5. This Commission hears and makes recommendations to Council on Comprehensive Plan updates, 5 and 10-year reviews, and amendments; Zoning and Land Development Regulations text amendments; Zoning Map amendments (Rezonings); and Planned Development (PD) Development Plans and PD Zoning Map amendments. FBZD Applications shall comply with all requirements of the Charleston County Zoning and Land Development County Equalization; Property Tax Information; Zoning Map; Hardship Exemption; Zoning Ord. Our Mission is to promote and protect the quality of life in Charleston County by delivering services of value to the community. Web Map Application. 4. 23. Online Interactive Zoning Maps; Property Line Aband, Adjust, Resurvey Application (PDF) Charleston, SC 29401. 9, of Article 8; and Section 9. 1, which stated, “Adopt amendments to the Charleston County Zoning and Land Development Regulations Ordinance (ZLDR), including but not limited to an overlay zoning district. Directory map 5. adopted 6/17/14 . 12 SEVERABILITY ARTICLE 1. The C and RR-1 zoning districts permit up to four (4) one-family detached dwellings on a lot as a conditional use pursuant to Section 54-207, t. Directions. ” §5. 16 (development agreements); chapter 4 (base zoning districts); article 4. Nov 20, 2001 · Welcome to our ZLDR and Comprehensive Plan. The Zoning & Planning Department administers the County's Comprehensive Plan ordinance (ten year update adopted by County Council on November 18, 2008) and the Zoning and Land Development Regulations ordinance (adopted by County Council on Nov. Comprehensive Plan Five-Year Review May 21, 2024 The Zoning & Planning Department administers the County's Comprehensive Plan ordinance (ten year update adopted by County Council on November 18, 2008) and the Zoning and Land Development Regulations ordinance (adopted by County Council on Nov. Take the next step and create storymaps and webmaps. org a Fax 843-202-7222 County of Charleston ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION Applicant (your information): First Name: Last Name: Your Home Address: City, State, Zip: Phone #: E-mail address: Subject Property Information: Project Parcel ID # (PID)/ Tax Map # (TMS): 2016 Charleston County Historic Resources Survey Update; Re-Think Folly Road Study; Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Housing Needs Assessment Summary; Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Housing Needs Assessment; Charleston County Application Forms, Brochures and Checklists; Charleston County Zoning & Planning Department; Charleston County Website City of Charleston County Overlay District COMMERCIAL COMM TRANSITIONAL LT MANUF/INDUSTRIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT RESIDENTIAL County Zoning AG-8 RR-3 AGR R-4 CN CC PD City Zoning C RR-1 SR-1 SR-2 SR-4 SR-6 SR-7 STR DR-6 DR-9 DR-1 DR-2F DR-2 DR-3 RO GO CT LB GB BP LI PUD JOHNS ISLAND MAYBANK HIGHWAY CORRIDOR CURRENT ZONING ® 0. The Dorchester Road Corridor I District shall include all parcels of land in the City of North Charleston that are in Dorchester County. Questions about non-discrimination policies should be sent to Charleston County School District at 75 Calhoun Street, Charleston, SC 29401. The ZA Zoning Variance Application fee is $250. The Zoning Ordinance requires 2 off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit. 12 parkers ferry community overlay zoning district (pf-o) article 5. 11 dupont-wappoo area overlay zoning district (duwap-o) article 5. 5. Charleston County Zoning and Planning About Us The Zoning & Planning Department administers the County's Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning and Land Development Regulations Ordinance (ZLDR) and prepares various studies and plans related to the current and future use of land in Charleston County. 00 3. List of Online Services provided by Charleston County Government. 5 miles The department issues permits for residential and commercial new construction and renovations, enforces building codes and fire safety regulations, and offers pre-construction plan review services. Charleston County Comprehensive Plan $90. Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Housing Needs Assessment Summary; Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Housing Needs Assessment; Charleston County Application Forms, Brochures and Checklists; Charleston County Zoning & Planning Department; Charleston County Website; Charleston County Stormwater Ordinance; Charleston County GIS Viewer 5 days ago · Find the zoning of any property in Lincolnville, South Carolina with this latest zoning map. ” 2016 Charleston County Historic Resources Survey Update; Re-Think Folly Road Study; Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Housing Needs Assessment Summary; Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Housing Needs Assessment; Charleston County Application Forms, Brochures and Checklists; Charleston County Zoning & Planning Department; Charleston County Website 3. 7200 Letter of Intent Applicant Information First Name: Last Name: Your Address: Home/Cell Phone #: Email Address: Property Information Project Address: Zoning District: Tax Map # / Property Identification #: Please provide a detailed explanation of your proposed use: Public Meeting: Charleston County Public Works Officials to Deliver Palmetto Commerce Interchange Construction Update: 11-07-2024: OhmIQ, Inc. North Charleston Building Department and Permits City Hall Lane, North Charleston, SC - 2. org. Please consult the County for document-specific questions related to a site's Deed or Plat information. org or by mail to the Zoning & Planning Department, 4045 Bridge View Drive, North Charleston, SC 29405. Customize your view and share your results. 7832 Fax: 843. 125 0 Miles Charleston County School District, 75 Calhoun Street, Charleston, SC 29401 Contact Us Important Note: Please know that there will be NO advantage provided based upon the order in which applications are received during the School Choice (January) and Student Transfer (March) windows. 102-206 Charleston Township is located Online Interactive Zoning Maps; Property Line Aband, Adjust, Resurvey Application (PDF) Charleston, SC 29401. : 215-00-00-014 PARKING: Property shall provide 1 off-street parking space in addition to providing, on the subject property, required off-street parking for existing uses on the property. Effective on: 11/20/2001, as amended §5. a. January 25, 2025. Phone 843-724-3765. 4, Table 9. Thursday, November 28 and Friday, November 29, are a County Holiday in observance of Thanksgiving and the offices of Charleston County Government will be closed. Charleston County Zoning & Land Development Regulations Ordinance $50. 8 Commercial Core Area (Town of James Island and City of Charleston) Sec. The uses listed in Table 6. Visit our website: www. 00 2. com July 29, 2021 Revised November 18, 2021 Revised June 15, 2022 Revised August 31, 2022 Approved by County Nov 20, 2001 · Welcome to our ZLDR. o Tax Map Number (Can be found on Tax Bill or provided by staff) A. For example, a single-family dwelling unit with an STR unit requires 3 off-street parking spaces. The GIS division is responsible for the development and management of the County's spatial database while providing data services to County departments, local businesses and governments The Charleston County Zoning and Land Development Regulations Ordinance can now be accessed by clicking on the link below. Evans, AICP, PLA. Basemap. amending the charleston county zoning and land development regulations ordinance, number 1202, as PROPOSED AMENDMENTS: CHARLESTON COUNTY ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ORDINANCE (ZLDR) Page 2 of 33 Public Hearing – September 14, 2021 # Chapter/Article/ Section Description/Summary Commission Action & Date 8. Affordable Housing Dashboard: Interactive dashboard with affordable housing map and statistics: Future Land Use: Future Land Use map, as designated by the current City Plan: City Zoning: City of Charleston Interactive Zoning Map ARTICLE 1. 250. City of Charleston County Overlay District COMMERCIAL COMM TRANSITIONAL LT MANUF/INDUSTRIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT RESIDENTIAL County Zoning AG-8 RR-3 AGR R-4 CN CC PD City Zoning C RR-1 SR-1 SR-2 SR-4 SR-6 SR-7 STR DR-6 DR-9 DR-1 DR-2F DR-2 DR-3 RO GO CT LB GB BP LI PUD JOHNS ISLAND MAYBANK HIGHWAY CORRIDOR CURRENT ZONING ® 0. How to Use this App: Web Map Application. 1 through 6. 3, of Article 9; and related map amendments of the Charleston County Zoning and Land Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Housing Needs Assessment Summary; Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Housing Needs Assessment; Charleston County Application Forms, Brochures and Checklists; Charleston County Zoning & Planning Department; Charleston County Website; Charleston County Stormwater Ordinance; Charleston County GIS Viewer; Tables; About The City of Charleston also has zoning jurisdiction over all property within one and one-half miles of the City limits. To determine your County Council District, you can search the S. Adopted November 20, 2001, as amended. 1-1, Use Table, are permitted or not permitted in each Zoning District according to the letter coding described in Sections 6. TEN MILE COMMUNITY PUBLIC MEETING. 10; map 5. This new website provides improved usability and functionality in accessing the Ordinance. 🌍🗺️ Zoning can provide a standard Zoning Verification letter at no cost. B. b; map 5. We use cookies to analyze website traffic and optimize your website experience. B. #1819 . County Equalization; Property Tax Information; Zoning Map; Hardship Exemption; Zoning Ord. Strategy 2. org a Fax 843-202-7222 County of Charleston ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION Applicant (your information): First Name: Last Name: Your Home Address: City, State, Zip: Phone #: E-mail address: Subject Property Information: Project Parcel ID # (PID)/ Tax Map # (TMS): Development of County Significance Municipality Legend FUTURE LAND USE RECOMMENDATIONS GENERAL FEATURES INCORPORATED AREAS MARSH WATER RESOURCES OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES (See overlay zoning district maps for details) URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY FUTURE LAND USE MAP (MARCH 2018) A. May 21, 2024 · The Comprehensive Plan Five-Year Review was adopted by County Council on May 21, 2024 and can be found below. Search by address or location using MAPNET application or PDF maps. o Tax Map Number (Can be found on Tax Bill or provided by staff) Zoning and Planning Department New Single Family Residential Construction Zoning Permit Checklist If applicable (1) Hard Copy of a Site Plan is required for Private Right of Way Easement and MUST be approved by the Planning Department prior to Public Works approval. 524. We thank you for your input every voice matters! Explore Tompkins County GIS data with this interactive map viewer. This chapter shall be known as the "Zoning Ordinance. gov Highways Streets County Centra Dispatch Streets Water Non-zoned areas in City of Charleston DI-C DI-R DI-RI DI-TC DI-I DI-GO DI-BP DI-LI AG-8 PUD Base Zoning AG-8 AG-S RR-I SR-I SR-2 SR-3 SR-4 SR-5 North Charleston, SC 29405 Phone 843-202-7200 Fax 843-202-7222 www. Curbside recycling collection will NOT occur on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. Analyze with charts and thematic maps. 5; Map Online Interactive Zoning Maps; Property Line Aband, Adjust, Resurvey Application (PDF) Charleston, SC 29401. Dec 16, 2024 · Find the zoning of any property in Hollywood, South Carolina with this latest zoning map and zoning code. , zoning map" or the words "zone map" or "zoning map" when hereafter used in the this chapter shall mean the City of Charleston, South Carolina, zoning map adopted by City Council on August 18, 1981, and readopted by City Council on April 14, 1987, with official amendments, changes, additions and List of Online Services provided by Charleston County Government. 125 0 Miles amending the charleston county zoning and land development regulations ordinance, number 1202, as amended, at the following locations: section 3. Charleston Rentals Map. org Zoning & Inspections. Please note the map is subject to change pending the approval of further rezonings. C. 1, which states: “Adopt amendments to the Charleston County Zoning and Land Development Regulations Ordinance (ZLDR), including but not limited to an overlay zoning district, as applicable. By accepting our use of cookies, your data will be aggregated with all other user data. The 50-year Development Agreement governs the development of 14,508 acres located in western Charleston County through 2065 and includes obligations that must be met by the property owner (Community Enhancement Fund, transportation improvements, right-of-way dedications, form-based zoning requirements, etc. . Data is updated every morning. ORDINANCES AND PLANS 1. 102-206 Charleston Township is located If you require further information, please contact the Charleston County Zoning and Planning Department at (843)202-7200. 7222 Lonnie Hamilton, III Public Services Building The C and RR-1 zoning districts permit up to four (4) one-family detached dwellings on a lot as a conditional use pursuant to Section 54-207, t. Other Building Departments Nearby. PID # (Parcel Identification #) / TMS # (Tax Map #): will be undertaken without the di sturbance, alteration, removal or destruction of any required Grand Tree (24” DBH or greater) as defined in Article 9. 202. The Charleston County Geographical Information System (GIS) is part of the Technology Services Department. WHEREAS, the Charleston County Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed text of Section 5. It also reviews requests for rezonings, future land use map amendments, future land use text amendments, and variances to the code, as well as conditional use permits, sign permits, and single family residential development Charleston County Council Approves $1. 2, Zoning and Planning Director Decision-Making Authority Jul 24, 2018 · Charleston County Zoning & Planning Department Lonnie Hamilton III, Public Services Building 4045 Bridge View Drive North Charleston, SC 29405 Explore Tompkins County GIS data with this interactive map viewer. , Suite 200 Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 www. Find API links for GeoServices, WMS, and WFS. Our goals are to give you information and easy access to provide your input on the things you care about in your community. 6, Zoning Map Amendments may be approved by County Council only if the proposed amendment meets one or more of the following criteria: A. 26 (waterfront development standards); Oct 30, 2024 · Find the zoning of any property in Charleston, Maine with this latest zoning map. The City of Charleston makes no warranty, representation, or guaranty as to the content, sequence, accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of any information provided herein or derived from the mapping data for any reason. Charleston County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or any other applicable status protected by federal or state law. Buffer distance Oct 9, 2024 · A new platform Engage Charleston County gives new ways to comment on zoning issues before the planning commission, board of zoning appeals and historic review the PUD zoning regulations, except that changes to the adopted PUD Master Plan zoning regulations for a particular development pod or portion of a development pod may be approved by the Zoning Administrator with approval of a site plan or written explanation of the changes, provided that the request for changes is made by the owner of the property in question; that the changes only affect land Mar 10, 2020 · DEPARTMENT INFORMATION. 14 ja-mhc-o, james island maybank highway corridor overlay zoning district The District Maps links are Adobe Acrobat files with copies of the Charleston County Single-Member District Maps. Search for an Address, TMS or Park Name or simply zoom into the map and click on a property of interest. Find the zoning of any property in Charleston County with this online tool. 4 O THER R EGULATIONS . : 215-00-00-014 Charleston County Zoning and Planning About Us The Zoning & Planning Department administers the County's Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning and Land Development Regulations Ordinance (ZLDR) and prepares various studies and plans related to the current and future use of land in Charleston County. North Charleston, SC 29405 843. County of Charleston Zoning and Land Development Regulations [November 20, 2001] §4. 10. A. intensive base Zoning District, while the IN Zoning District is the most intensive base Zoning District. 10 Neighborhood Preservation Area (Charleston County and City of Charleston) Sec. FBZD Applications shall comply with all requirements of the Charleston County Zoning and Land Development Joel H. charlestoncounty. Directory Oct 23, 2023 · Appendix A - CHARLESTON COUNTY ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; Expand APPENDIX C CODE OF ORDINANCES County of CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA Codified through Welcome to Engage Charleston County! Charleston County is committed to providing opportunities for public input in a variety of formats to reach difference audiences. Click here to display printable PDF < Create Mailing Labels. 2. Welcome to the homepage of the Charleston County Zoning and Land Development Regulations Ordinance (ZLDR). 0 parcels selected. This menu is for the Charleston County Zoning & Planning Department. We invite you to browse through this website to find the information you need and if you require further information, please contact the Charleston County Zoning and Planning Department at 843. 14. " The words "City of Charleston, S. 2. Please consult the Zoning Department for site-specific details such as Old City Height District boundaries and limits. Black & White Single-Sided Copies 8. 7222 Lonnie Hamilton, III Public Services Building More details, current data, and all the Base Zoning Districts and Overlay Zones can be seen on the Interactive Zoning Map https://gis. 1-101; Zoning Ord. are being created within the revised JO-MHC-O: Mixed-Use (MU) District Limited Commercial (LC) District All properties within the overlay zoning district will be designated as MU District or LC District, as shown on the JO - MHC-O Zoning Charleston County Zoning Map Amendment Request. org\departments\zoning-planning Welcome to the official website for Charleston County Government. 25 and Thursday, Dec. Oct 24, 2019 · project included in Charleston County’s Comprehensive Plan 2018-2023 Work Plan. CHARLESTON COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA Prepared for: BGE 2014 LLC 334 East Bay Street, Suite 211 Charleston, SC 29401 Prepared by: Earthsource Engineering, LLC 962 Houston Northcutt Blvd. " Effective on: 11/20/2001, as amended Find the zoning of any property in North Charleston, South Carolina with this latest zoning map and zoning code. WHEREAS, the Charleston County Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed Charleston County Application Forms, Brochures and Checklists; Charleston County Zoning & Planning Department; Charleston County Website; Charleston County Stormwater Ordinance; Charleston County GIS Viewer; Tables; About Oct 23, 2023 · Appendix A - CHARLESTON COUNTY ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; Expand APPENDIX C CODE OF ORDINANCES County of CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA Charleston County's Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) program focuses on keeping our stormwater inventory map up to date, identifying priority areas where the likelihood of illicit discharges is higher, conducting field screening, and identifying and eliminating any sources of pollution. Contact Us Phone: 843-202-7200 Email: Charleston County Council Approves $1. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF or PNG. " Effective on: 11/20/2001, as amended PID # (Parcel Identification #) / TMS # (Tax Map #): will be undertaken without the disturbance, alteration, removal or destruction of any required Grand Tree (24” DBH or greater) as defined in Article 9. COPIES 1. nicyyapqfuyvsgivxgxzwscacpydodkpuqwbyrhryeazqan